Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tattoo Laser Removal - Painful and Pricey?

Tattoo laser removal is one way your new boyfriend can get that stupid girl's name off his chest (literally), but is that really the best way for your man to lose that offensive ink? Word here is that the answer is probably "no" - that there are better alternatives that leave less scarring and are equally effective.

The nice thing about these other methods (think tattoo removal rejuvi) is that like tattoo laser removal they are still painful enough to remind your man of the mistake he made for several weeks as the skin heals.

I know I'm cruel, but face it, he deserves it and a good lesson once in a while will keep him thinking twice before making big mistakes.

Tattoo Laser Removal - Is the Pain Truly Worth It? Are There Better Ways of Removing Your Tattoo?
By Ginger Rush

Tattoo laser removal is one of the recommended safe and effective ways to get unwanted ink off of your body however it may not be the best way for you. While this method has proved effective for reducing the amount of color and black in the skin, it is not necessarily the most cost effective method, nor is it the least damaging and painful.

Anyone considering a tattoo laser removal procedure should at the very least expect to pay four hundred to a thousand dollars per session to remove ink, with multiple sessions required. Users of this method should also expect to have at least some permanent scarring in the areas where the ink was deepest, or where a one piece of artwork was covered by another. Lastly, someone getting this procedure should pre-treat the area with topical ointments but avoid using illegal products such as hydroquinone, or dangerous ingredients like trichloroacetic acid.

Other less expensive methods exist including over the counter skin lighteners, however these are only effective to the extent they penetrate the surface. Given that most tattoos were designed to endure a long period of time, and as a result were injected well below the surface, one should naturally expect that any truly effective procedure will have to penetrate the skin to the same depth as the ink originally injected.

One way to improve the results of a tattoo laser removal procedure is to prepare the skin using one of the topical ointments. This reduces the scarring of the skin during the burning off process and can reduce the overall number of sessions needed to reduce the ink and color level to an acceptable level.

Most patients are satisfied with the ultimate result of a tattoo laser removal however they usually have been made well aware of the pain, cost, and scarring limitations associated with the procedure.

One thing many laser tattoo removal patients do not find out however is that other more cost effective methods exist. While the pain involved with methods such as a tattoo removal rejuvi method may be similar or slightly less than a laser removal, the rejuvi method costs significantly less.

No one wants to be in the situation where they have to get rid of unwanted ink, but if you've got a name or other artwork on your body that simply must go, consider a tattoo ink removal method that is likely to be less painful, less expensive, and equally effective.

Ginger Rush

Article Source:

Read more about safe tattoo removal methods.

Prior Post: Rave Store Rages On!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rave Store Rages On!

Have your rave store supplies of energy all dried up??? I'm sorry honey! Although the sun hasn't been out much this summer the daytime is VASTLY over-rated, know what I'm saying peoples? I promised you earlier this year I was going to grind it up on the dance floor until I dropped and now that we've got some heat finally coming our way maybe... just maybe my own rave store of energy will be vanquished!

Prepare to Rave - Store Up Your Energy and Dance 'Til Dawn
By Ginger Rush

Dancing 'til dawn will be all the rage again this summer and at least one rave store will be dancing all the way to the bank. Raves are all night dance parties held at underground clubs where the action gets hot and heavy pretty much until the bodies collapse, spent on the floor. If you ever wondered why energy drinks are on every other ad on the TV you can bet that these underground dance parties have much to do with it. Your best bet to last all night is, before you go to your rave, store up some energy and plan on a long night. A typical dance club will have a lot of open space, typically lit only with black lights, spots and strobes and the music will be loud with a heavy beat.

As the action gets hot this summer the competition to shine individually will get even more intense as everyone tries to stand out against the dark. Some go with a Gothic look, others go with a techno look, but whatever the fashion is, you know one rave store or another will be there to supply the latest style. Personally I'm torn between the flashy Techno look and the Gothic look. Techno has the great curve revealing fashions while Gothic is more mystical with lace and ruffles. Whichever look I go with lately I'm always finding a pair of fashion mirrored contact lenses to go with it. I like the pink when I go Gothic, I go with the blue when I'm techno. Either way I love the way the mirrored contact lenses fluoresce in the dark light.

I look forward to seeing all of you out on the dance floor this summer, with whatever hot look suits you.

Ginger Rush | Whether you're looking for complete ensembles or separates our rave store selections can help. Don't forget to pick out a pair of mirrored contact lenses to really stand out in the heat of the night.

Article Source:

Rock the night peeple!

Prior Post: Now This Place Has a Rave Store Look